The child has one intuitive aim: self development

ACTIVITY FOUR (2023/2024)


Activity Four centers around Sustainable Development Goals 1 and 2. It focuses on inculcating the spirit of generosity in youngsters while they learn how to express gratitude. This follows any acts of generosity or magnanimity they might experience through someone else’s sheer benevolence.

The project aligns with and aims to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 1 of “No Poverty” and Goal 2 of “Zero Hunger.” It is targeted at eradicating poverty among the downtrodden and less privileged in society. Students were convinced that appreciation towards God and fellow humans is essential in life.

The participating Dansol High School students in this activity engaged in a series of online and physical rehearsal sessions, aiming to perfect the demonstration of appreciation through a song rendition titled “Alleluia” and conversations on the subject matter. The storyline of the playlet (dialogue session) dramatized by the students reflected the French culture called “LA POURBOIRE,” symbolizing gifts in cash or kind offered to someone in response to a good deed or kind gesture.

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Video: Dansol students rehearsing a french song called “Alleluia”

Dansol students rehearsing a french song called “Alleluia”

A demonstration of the above-mentioned activities was made in the school hall, in the presence of the school population and the teaching staff, amidst great applause. The national anthems of both Nigeria and France were sung at the event to symbolize respect for the national symbols.

Dansol students singing Alleluia song, acting playlet on La Pourboire culture of the French people.

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Video: Dansol students singing Alleluia song, acting playlet on La Pourboire culture of the French people.

Thereafter, series of interviews involving a cross-section of the participating students were conducted hence, they expressed their opinions on the French activity as a whole. They equally commented on their respective roles at the event, not forgetting the lessons learnt even as they made useful suggestions with a view to recording an improvement subsequently.  

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Interviews of Dansol participating students where they expressed their opinions on the French activity.


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