The child has one intuitive aim: self development

ACTIVITY FIVE (2023/2024)



This activity titled “Autism – (Celebrating Differences)” – aims at offering an insight into autism, how autism is perceived in Nigeria and across Africa thereby creating awareness on the unique experience of living with autism and as well advocating for an enabling environment for people living with autism.

Students who participated in this activity carried out a thorough research into the world of autism. In order to have a real-life experience on how autistic people live their lives, the students paid a visit to Patrick Speech and Language Center at Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. Also, the participants involved interviewed some students, teachers and parents so as to get more information and understanding of how people view autism.

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Video: Visit to Patrick Speech and Language Centre

Visit to Patrick Speech and Language Centre for enlightenment on Autism

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Video: Interview sessions with students, teachers and parents on their understanding of Autism

Powerpoint slide: Autism (Celebrating Differences)

In a bid to get a comparative analysis of how autism is viewed and received not just in Nigeria but outside Nigeria, the students of Dansol High School collaborated with Empower International Academy, Uganda who talked about the realities of living with autism in Uganda. This collaboration was successfully done through a zoom interactive session with students and staff of Empower International Academy, Uganda. Through this interaction, there was a common understanding of the fact that autism both in Nigeria and Uganda is not understood and there is still a need for a continuous advocacy for an accommodating and enabling environment for people living with autism.

Students of Dansol High School and Empower International Academy, Uganda, discussing on Autism

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Video: Students of Dansol High School and Empower International Academy, Uganda, discussing on Autism

A school-wide sensitization event on autism was done in the school hall to enlighten the entire school community on autism and misconceptions about autism as well as ways in which communities can promote inclusion and enhance a supportive environment for people with autism.

School-wide sensitization on autism done in the school hall

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Video: School-wide sensitization on autism done in the school hall


Activity 5 Evaluation Forms

WhatsApp chats with Empower International Academy crew, Uganda.

Notice of visitation to Autistic Centre

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